I checked the book out from my local library.
5 stars!
What do you do when you have to poo and there is no toilet paper? That is what Leon has to figure out. Thankfully there is something nearby that should do the trick. But then his conscious speaks up, and he must correct what he did wrong.
I love this book. It is hilarious; potty humor at its finest. The illustrations are different, not necessarily cute, but very intriguing. They work perfectly for the book. The empty roll of toilet paper on the tree cracks me up. The story itself has a good lesson to it as well as a good laugh. With large, thick pages, children will love exploring this book. The ending was somewhat expected with a funny twist. You will have to read it to find out what happens.
I work at a library and am always looking for books I can read in story time. I think the kids would absolutely love it, but I just can't bring myself to read it. Sitting in front of 20 preschoolers and saying "And now, Leon has to go poo" isn't going to happen. I don't think it is gross, and I don't think parents would care, but I would be laughing too hard to read it. When I try to practice reading it out loud, I lose it at that page. Maybe I will be able to laugh while the children are hysterically laughing as well. I will see if I'm ever brave enough to try, but I'm sure it would be a crowd favorite if I did.