Sunday, March 31, 2013


I write a lot of book reviews on, and I really enjoy it. I thought I might go ahead and do a blog. I work at the library, so I get to read a lot of books from there. I also get to talk to a lot of other readers. This makes it easier for me to figure out what to read next, and then I get to discuss the books with my coworkers.
I read a lot of children's books. I'm always looking for good ones to read to preschoolers in story time, and I'm excited to be able to read them to Quinn when she gets a little bit older (right now she loves to look at books but doesn't want to sit still to listen to much). I also read a lot of teen. I love teen books because they are often very well written, have a great story line, but don't have too much extra (what I like to call fluff). Surprisingly, I do read adult books too. I'm definitely a lot more picky with adult books. I don't read them unless they sound really interesting to me, and I don't waste my time if I read 1/4 of it and can't get into it.
My plan is to update this whenever I put a review on Amazon. I might even write more on here than there. Sometimes I read books that have hundreds of reviews already on Amazon, and it seems silly to add another one. I might just go ahead and post my reviews here. Hopefully some people will read them and get help picking what to read next. That's my ultimate goal. To start off, I will just get some of my reviews on here. Then I will focus on organizing the blog and making it more attractive. Let me know if you're reading this and what you think I need to work on. Happy reading.

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