Wednesday, October 23, 2013


I read Allegiant by Veronica Roth
I checked it out from the library
5 stars

I will start with the faults. I did not like the varying point of views between Tris and Tobias. I had to flip back to the start of the chapter more than once to see which character was talking. I think the book could have been accomplished sticking to Tris and maybe flipping to Tobias at the end. Also, I had a hard time remembering the supporting characters. I figured them out pretty quickly though. Sure, some of the storyline was contrived, but that is easily overlooked in a teen book.
Tris took Tobias back too easily. The people around them accepted Tobias too easily after he tried to help overthrow them. He was allowed to run around doing whatever he wanted after that? Not likely.

The positives: I could not put it down. I got into it right away. It has been awhile since I read the other two, but there was really no getting back into it. I was hooked right away. It was very political, something I'm okay with. There was the war aspect. There was the divergent genetics aspect. There was the factions vs non-factions. Then there was the ethical questions. They were all very well thought out and concluded well.
The ending.... oh the ending. I know there are some very upset people, but I absolutely loved it. Some people say it was for shock value. I think it was realistic. No cookie cutter ending that drives me insane. Sacrifices made for good reasons, in my opinion. It wasn't someone running off to a definite death. There was the belief that survival was possible, so that keeps it true to me. No easy way out by the author either.

I have enough qualms with it that I probably should rate it 4 stars, but I really loved it too much. I was so excited to talk to my friend about it, how amazing it was, how I couldn't put it down. She pointed out the misfires in it, but thankfully she agreed about the ending. The fact that my gut said 5, I'm keeping it a 5. It was the perfect ending to the trilogy to me.

Unfortunately I will not be posting my review on Amazon, my go-to for reviews, as I can guarantee I will be hit with numerous down votes. A lot of people did not get the ending they wanted, so they are taking it out on everyone else. Yes, there are some negative reviews that don't focus on the ending, but they are sure rare. So, I really needed to get my love for this book out somewhere, and here it is.

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