Saturday, March 22, 2014

Pig and Small (8.1.14)

I read Pig and Small by Alex Latimer
I received a free ARC from Peachtree Publishers through NetGalley
5 Stars

Pig hears a squeak on his nose. What could it be? Ah yes, a little bug, and that bug wants to be his friend. Unfortunately, there are many activities they cannot do together because of their sizes. After deciding to part ways, Pig figures out just the right activity for the two of them to do together. Then, they can think of a lot of other activities they can do. Sure, they don't like all of the same things, and they can't do everything together, but that doesn't mean they can't be friends.

I love Alex Latimer. Lion Vs. Rabbit was adorable.Penguin's Hidden Talent had adorable illustrations and a wonderful lesson in the sweet story. I love his illustrations. I love his stories. The pictures are cute, simple, and colorful. The stories are sweet and have a good meaning, while still being fun for kids to read or listen to. I especially loved this one because of the theme. I took it to mean that everyone is different, and that is okay. There are many things you may not agree on or both like to do, but that doesn't mean there are no similarities. You can use your differences to your advantage in some situations, and you can find common interests enough to be friends. Ignore or even celebrate the differences. In the end, there is always something there that will work. A+ book that I am excited to share with others.

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