I received a free ARC from Disney Book Group through NetGalley
4 stars *strong*
Kate Walden is a director. She liked to make movies. Currently, she is almost done making her longest movie yet, featuring the hated chickens on the farm where she lives. Speaking of the farm, she doesn't like living there. Her mother decided to quit her job and start raising chickens, so 7th grader Kate, her 5th grader brother, and her parents packed up and moved to a stinky chicken farm. At least the chickens are helping her make her movie, along with her best friend, Alyssa as the star.
Poor Kate wishes she still lived in town near Alyssa and all of her other friends. Now, she has the stinky chickens, and she is far away from the social scene (as social as a 7th grader can get.) This ends up hurting her as Alyssa makes friends with the MPG, Most Popular Girl, and Kate feels left behind. If she can't get Alyssa back, she will get back at Alyssa, but will she be able to finish her movie without her star?
This book is full of pre-teen issues. Losing friends, losing social status (what little one might have,) and making very poor choices. Thankfully it also shows that life will go on, things will be forgotten, new friendships will be made, and those poor choices don't always ruin your life for good.
I had a difficult time reading this one because I really felt for Kate. She seems like a good person, but bad things happen. Add in her bad decisions and you have an awkward, almost painful story. That doesn't at all mean it is a bad story. In fact, it's the opposite. It is a good story. There are family lessons, lessons on being a good friend, lessons on telling the truth, and a happy, wholesome ending. Perfect for any pre-teen