Saturday, April 12, 2014

Don't Even Think About It

I read Don't Even Think About It by Sarah Mlynowski
I received a free ARC through NetGalley
5 stars

Imagine going to get a flu shot and coming out with ESP. You can hear everyone. Friends, non-friends, even your parents. Scary, fun, educational? Yes, it would be all of those things. But what if you aren't the only one? What if 21 other people shared the skill? Would you be able to come together to figure out what to do? And would you all be able to get along well enough to survive the adventure?

I have to admit, it took me a bit to get into this one. I started it, liked it, but had other things I just wanted to read more. When I got back around to it, I couldn't put it down. It was funny. Even though the topic (getting telepathy after getting a flu shot) wasn't believable, the characters were real. There were all types, and they all came together to work through the problem. Sure, some of them didn't necessarily get along, but they knew they still had to figure things out. There was romance, but not anything too annoying or that took over the book. It was a quick, fun read. Even though I am nowhere near the age of the people in the book, I still enjoyed their stories.

I also have to give props to this author. The subject at hand could have easily turned to something completely ridiculous. The ending wasn't necessarily exciting, but it felt appropriate. A nice, pretty clean book for teens, and a good read for anyone.

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