Sunday, June 8, 2014

Stop, Thief! (8.1.14)

I read Stop, thief! by Heather Tekavec
I received a free ARC from Kids Can Press through NetGalley
4 stars

There is a thief on the farm, and Max must catch him! Someone is stealing all of the Carrots, berries, beans, and cherries. The farmer sends Max, the dog, off to find out who it is. He follows the buzzing to chase the thief, running into all of his friends munching on some treats along the way. Will he catch the thief and save the food?

This story was adorable. It seemed a bit long at first, but it flows well and reads quickly. It grew on me as I went. I can hear myself reading it in story time with the kids laughing about the fun animals chomping on the food the whole time. Older preschoolers and kindergartners will probably understand what is happening on their own, but I might have to explain the ending to young preschoolers. The illustrations throughout the book match the cover. It is not my favorite type of illustrations. I could see this one being cuter with more simple, sharper illustrations, but they still might appeal to some people. The illustrations didn't ruin the book for me, and I plan to try it out on a group of preschoolers as soon as I can get my hands on it.

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