Sunday, July 19, 2015

Henry Hodges Needs a Friend

I read Henry Hodges Needs a Friend by Andy Andrews
I received a free copy download through NetGalley
4 Stars

As the title tells you, Henry needs a friend. His parents decide that friend needs to be a pet. Henry thinks long and hard about all the random pets it could be, including a backpack cow that gives chocolate milk and an ice skating hippo. After a trip to the shelter, Henry finds his perfect friend.

This is a sweet book to give to a child who is getting a new pet. There is a place in the book to put who it is to and from. The silly possible animals makes it fun to read aloud. One of my favorite things in the book is the dedication to a children's librarian who has changed so many lives. Overall, the sweet story is a win. Some of the rhymes seem a bit stretched, but nothing was horrible. The illustrations are simple but cute. While it isn't in my top favorite books, it is still a great addition, especially for new pet owners.

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